

Attendees networking at Web Summit 2024.
Startup Summits

Web Summit 2024

*Dates:* November 2024
*Location:* Lisbon, Portugal

Why is it Celebrated?

Web Summit is celebrated as Europe’s premier tech conference, a nexus where innovation meets ambition amidst the historic charm of Lisbon. It brings together global leaders, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts to explore groundbreaking internet technologies and shape the digital future.

History of the Event

Since its inception in 2009, Web Summit has grown exponentially, evolving into a gathering of over 100,000 attendees from around the world. It has become synonymous with unveiling disruptive technologies, fostering collaborations, and empowering startups to thrive in a digital age.

Event Details

The 2024 edition promises an unparalleled lineup of keynote speakers, startup pitches, workshops, and networking opportunities. Attendees can expect deep dives into AI, blockchain, cybersecurity, and other transformative technologies, alongside insightful discussions on entrepreneurship and digital innovation.

Event Activities

– *Keynote Speeches:* Visionary talks by industry pioneers shaping the future of internet technology.
– *Startup Pitches:* Opportunities for emerging companies to showcase their innovations to global investors.
– *Workshops:* Hands-on sessions delving into the latest trends in digital transformation.
– *Networking Events:* Connections with thought leaders, investors, and peers from across industries.


Unveiling Tomorrow's Digital Frontiers at Web Summit 2024 Embark on a poetic journey through Web Summit 2024 in Lisbon, where innovation meets ambition against the backdrop of Portugal's historic capital. In Lisbon's timeless embrace, where past whispers echo amidst digital dreams, Web Summit unfolds its tapestry of possibilities. November 2024 marks a pilgrimage of minds and visions, where each conversation unfolds a new chapter—a chapter etched in bytes and boundless imagination.

- Check-in at a centrally located hotel in Lisbon. - Evening: Welcome reception and introduction to Web Summit’s vibrant atmosphere.
- Morning: Keynote sessions featuring insights from tech visionaries. - Afternoon: Explore startup village and attend workshops on AI and blockchain. - Evening: Networking event with industry leaders and entrepreneurs.
- Morning: Panels on digital transformation and cybersecurity. - Afternoon: Startup pitches and investor meet-ups. - Evening: Cultural experience showcasing Lisbon’s artistic heritage.
- Morning: Workshops on entrepreneurship and scaling innovations. - Afternoon: Dive deeper into emerging tech trends with industry experts. - Evening: Gala dinner celebrating innovation and achievement.
- Morning: Optional tour of Lisbon’s historic landmarks and local markets. - Afternoon: Departure from Lisbon, carrying memories of inspiration and innovation.

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