

Emerging designers showcase at India Runway Week.
Fashon Shows

India Runway Week: Celebrating Emerging Designers in New Delhi

*Location:* New Delhi, India
*Details:* India Runway Week (IRW) is a prominent fashion event providing a platform for emerging designers to showcase their talent alongside established names in the industry. The event is known for highlighting innovative designs and fostering new talent.

Why is it Celebrated?

India Runway Week is celebrated to promote and support emerging designers, giving them a platform to present their creations to a broader audience. It aims to foster innovation, creativity, and growth in the fashion industry, encouraging new talent and fresh perspectives.

History of the Event

Launched in 2013 by the Indian Federation for Fashion Development (IFFD), India Runway Week quickly became a significant event in the Indian fashion calendar. It was created to address the need for a dedicated platform for emerging designers. Over the years, IRW has gained recognition for its focus on innovation and its role in launching the careers of many young designers.

Event Details and Amazing Activities

– *Runway Shows:* Featuring collections from emerging designers and established fashion houses.
– *Designer Showcases:* Highlighting new trends and innovative designs.
– *Workshops and Panels:* Offering insights into fashion trends, business strategies, and sustainability.
– *Networking Events:* Providing opportunities for designers, buyers, and fashion enthusiasts to connect and collaborate.
– *Fashion Installations:* Showcasing unique designs in an artistic setup.


Travel Plan to India Runway Week India Runway Week is a vibrant celebration of fashion, creativity, and innovation. Held biannually in New Delhi, India, IRW provides a platform for emerging designers to showcase their talent alongside established names in the industry. Here's everything you need to know about this exciting event.

- Arrive in New Delhi and check into a luxury hotel near the event venue. - Relax and explore the local area to get a feel for the city’s vibrant culture.
- Attend the opening ceremony and first set of runway shows. - Participate in interactive workshops and panels on fashion trends.
- Continue attending runway shows and designer showcases. - Engage in networking events with industry professionals.
- Visit iconic landmarks such as the Red Fort and Qutub Minar. - Explore local markets and boutiques to experience New Delhi’s unique fashion scene.
- Attend the final day of shows and closing ceremony. - Reflect on the trends and connections made during the event.
- Check out from your hotel and depart from New Delhi, carrying with you unforgettable memories and new connections from India Runway Week.

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