

Welcome to Our Partnership Hub

Why Partner with Us?

At, we’re not just redefining travel; we’re revolutionizing it. When you partner with us, you’re not just gaining access to a suite of innovative features—you’re joining a global community of forward-thinking travel professionals committed to shaping the future of the industry.

Listen to engaging travel stories and tips.

Travel Podcasts

Our immersive travel podcasts go beyond the surface, offering listeners deep insights, insider tips, and inspiring stories from seasoned travelers, industry experts, and local insiders. From off-the-beaten-path destinations to practical travel advice, our podcasts keep your audience engaged and eager for more.

Streamline operations with Agent & Sub-Agent API.

Agent & Sub-Agent API

Integrate our powerful API seamlessly into your platform to unlock a world of possibilities for your users. Whether you're a travel agency, booking platform, or travel tech startup, our API empowers you to offer comprehensive travel solutions, streamline booking processes, and deliver unmatched convenience to your customers.

Explore franchise opportunities.

Franchise Opportunities

Join our network of passionate entrepreneurs and embark on a rewarding journey as a franchisee. Benefit from our established brand presence, proven business model, and ongoing support as you build and grow your own successful travel business.

Comprehensive software for travel management.

Complete Travel Software

Our comprehensive travel software suite is your all-in-one solution for managing every aspect of your travel business. From itinerary planning and booking management to customer relationship management and analytics, our software empowers you to streamline operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive business growth.

Smart travel recommendations with AI.

AI-Powered Recommendations

Leverage the latest advancements in artificial intelligence to provide personalized travel recommendations that delight and inspire your users. Our AI algorithms analyze user preferences, behavior, and past interactions to deliver tailored travel experiences that exceed expectations and foster long-term loyalty.

Unlock Exclusive Benefits

– Stay ahead of the competition with access to the latest industry insights, trends, and developments.

– Engage your audience with exclusive travel events, promotions, and special offers.

– Explore our curated collection of “Good Places to Visit” and showcase unique destinations to your customers.

Ready to Transform Travel Together?

Partner with today and unlock a world of opportunities for your travel business. Whether you’re a travel agency, booking platform, or travel tech startup, we’re here to support you every step of the way on your journey to success.


Are you passionate about travel writing?

Here’s your chance to share your expertise and contribute to our Travel Wiser section. Read on to learn more about our submission process and guidelines.

Interested in Writing for Us?

If you’re eager to become a contributor, please send the following details to

– Your Name

– Email Address

– Website Link showcasing your previous work

– Your area of expertise

– The topic you wish to write about


**Please note that we’re currently only accepting submissions for our Travel Wiser section. Keep an eye on TravlMedia for calls for submissions in other sections of our site.

What We're Looking For

At World Nomads, our content aims to inspire travelers to be smarter, safer, better-prepared, and more responsible. Here’s what we’re seeking from potential contributors:


First-Hand Expertise: Share your firsthand expertise and experiences. If you’re not an expert, ensure to include reputable sources or expert quotes.


Light-hearted Tone: Inject some humor and light-heartedness into your writing. We want to entertain our readers while informing them.


Alignment with Values: Familiarize yourself with our Responsible Traveler’s Manifesto to ensure your content aligns with our values.

Types of Content

We’re currently focused on expanding our Travel Wiser section, which offers practical advice and tips for travelers. Here are the types of articles we’re looking for:


– Wellness Tips

– Travel Hacks

– Budget Travel Advice

– Gear Recommendations

– Fitness and Health Tips for Travelers

Ready to Pitch?

If you’re responding to a TravlMedia pitch, please include a working title (maximum 40 characters) and a brief synopsis (up to 250 words) explaining the subject of your pitch, why it’s compelling, and why you’re the right person to tell it. Additionally, introduce yourself and share your professional experience.

Payment for Written Content

We compensate writers . Depending on editorial requirements, articles typically range between 800–1,200 words.


Please understand that while we receive numerous pitches, we’re unable to respond to all of them. If we decide to pursue your idea, we’ll notify you promptly.

Ready to Share Your Expertise?

We’re excited to hear your ideas and insights! Send us your pitches and be part of our community of passionate travel writers.