

Colorful houses along a canal in Burano, Italy, with a bridge and boats.

Abeona's Whirlwind Adventure to Burano

Planning Your Trip to Burano Last Minute?

It was a bright and beautiful morning in Venice when Abeona, a free-spirited traveler with a love for spontaneous adventures, found herself with an unexpected free day. With her curiosity piqued by stories of a nearby island filled with vibrant colors and rich history, she decided to set off to Burano. A quick glance at the vaporetto schedule confirmed that it was just a 40-minute ride away. Without hesitation, Abeona was off on her next adventure.

 Things to Do on Burano Island

Explore the Colorful Streets

As soon as the vaporetto docked at Burano, Abeona stepped off and was immediately greeted by an explosion of color. The island’s houses, each painted in bright, cheerful hues, created a vivid tapestry that seemed to dance in the sunlight. With her camera in hand, she began wandering through the narrow streets, each turn revealing a new, picture-perfect scene. The lively colors and the welcoming smiles of the locals made her feel as if she had stepped into a fairytale.

Visit the Remaining Traditional Lacemakers

Her exploration led her to a small shop where an elderly woman, Signora Lucia, was demonstrating the art of lacemaking. Abeona was captivated by the intricate patterns being woven by Lucia’s nimble fingers. Through a mix of broken Italian and expressive hand gestures, Lucia shared the history of her craft, a tradition passed down through generations. Abeona felt a deep connection, realizing the importance of preserving such beautiful traditions.

Learn About the History of Burano Lace at Museo del Merletto

Eager to learn more, Abeona made her way to the Museo del Merletto, the Lace Museum. Located in the historic Palazzo del Podestà of Torcello, the museum housed an impressive collection of handcrafted lace pieces. As she walked through the exhibits, she marveled at the delicate artistry and the rich history of lacemaking on the island. It was a journey through time, revealing the evolution and significance of this intricate craft.

See the Church of San Martino

Continuing her wanderings, Abeona noticed the leaning bell tower of the Church of San Martino. Intrigued, she stepped inside the quaint church. The peaceful interior, coupled with the beautiful “Crucifixion” painting by Tiepolo, offered a serene escape from the bustling streets. The slightly tilted campanile added a unique charm to Burano’s skyline, making it a memorable part of her visit.

Try Local Seafood

All the exploring had worked up an appetite, so Abeona made her way to a cozy trattoria recommended by a friendly local. She decided to try the risotto di gò, a creamy rice dish made with goby fish, a local delicacy. Each bite was a delightful burst of fresh flavors, perfectly capturing the essence of Burano’s maritime heritage. It was a meal she would not soon forget, enjoyed with a view of the colorful streets.

Try Bussola Buranello for Dessert

For dessert, Abeona indulged in Bussola Buranello, traditional S-shaped biscuits with subtle hints of vanilla and lemon. These delightful cookies were the perfect sweet treat to end her meal. She couldn’t resist buying an extra bag to take back to Venice, a delicious reminder of her time on the island.

Walk Across the Bridge to Mazzorbo

Feeling rejuvenated, Abeona decided to walk off her lunch with a visit to the neighboring island of Mazzorbo. A charming wooden bridge connects the two islands, offering a peaceful stroll with picturesque views. Mazzorbo, quieter and less touristy than Burano, was a haven of vineyards and orchards. It was the perfect place for Abeona to reflect on her day and enjoy the tranquil surroundings.

How Long Do You Need in Burano?

While some might argue that a few hours are sufficient, Abeona found herself wishing for more time. To truly soak in the island’s charm, a full day is ideal. This allows for leisurely exploration, a relaxed meal, and perhaps even a second dessert.

How to Get to Burano Island from Venice

Getting to Burano is straightforward. Abeona took the vaporetto line 12 from Fondamenta Nuove. The scenic 40-minute ride across the Venetian Lagoon offered beautiful views and a chance to relax before arriving at the colorful paradise of Burano.

Where to Stay on Burano Island

While Burano can be done as a day trip, Abeona discovered that staying overnight offers a unique experience. She chose to stay at Casa Burano, a charming guesthouse with modern amenities. Waking up to the tranquil beauty of Burano before the day-trippers arrive was a magical experience, one that she highly recommended.

Is Burano, Italy Worth Visiting?

Absolutely. Burano is more than just a pretty face. It’s a place where history, culture, and beauty intertwine. Whether you’re a solo traveler like Abeona, a history buff, or someone seeking a picturesque escape, Burano has something to offer. Abeona’s impromptu visit turned out to be one of the highlights of her trip. So, if you ever find yourself in Venice with a day to spare, do yourself a favor and hop on that vaporetto to Burano. You won’t regret it.


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